On the Caffeinated Thoughts Podcast, Shane Vander Hart speaks with Ericka Andersen, author of author of Leaving Cloud 9: The True Story of a Life Resurrected from the Ashes of Poverty, Trauma, and Mental Illness.

Before his conversation with Andersen, Shane discussed a few items of interest:

  1. Are we a nation of narcissists? A couple of studies say so.
  2. The left continues their meltdown over the Supreme Court.
  3. The Episcopal Church will debate using gender-neutral language for God in their Common Book of Prayer among other outrageous revisions.

Then Shane’s conversation with Ericka Andersen about her new book which discusses her husband Rick’s story of overcoming a childhood of extreme poverty and neglect.

Andersen is a freelance writer who formerly served as the Digital Marketing Director at the Independent Women’s Forum. She previously wrote for and was the Digital Director at, National Review magazine. Prior to that, she was the Digital Manager at the Heritage Foundation and worked in communications for Vice President Mike Pence at the GOP Conference.  She lives in Indianapolis, Indiana, with her husband and two children.

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