imageWashington D.C.- Congressman Steve King (R-IA) today issued the following statement in response to election results and preparation for the 112th Congress.

“The Republican Conference Chair needs to be the best communicator we have. Mike Pence is our best communicator and Michele Bachmann is a very close second who has the ability to become even more effective than Pence.  Michele has charisma and she brings with her an impressive skill set. She embodies the agenda of the constitutional conservatives.  Constitutional Conservatives are the majority makers, the conscience of America and the new agenda setters."

“We need a conference chair with her style.  Michele is intellectually brilliant, a very quick study, and philosophically sound.  She has a high national profile and has boldly overcome every obstacle put in her path,” said King. “Just two years ago, Chris Matthews launched a viral attack on Bachmann and Speaker Pelosi flew to Minnesota with a million dollars to use against her. Bachmann took on that challenge and today teases Chris Matthews about the ‘tingle down his leg’ as Pelosi cleans out her desk.”

“With this reminder of Michele’s strengths and communication style, I strongly encourage you to support Michele Bachmann as the next Chair of the House Republican Conference.”

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