I can’t believe I missed this gem.  I must have been focused too much on the Olympics.

According to Virginia Governor Tim Kaine (who is being discussed as a potential VP candidate for Obama), Obama has quelled the Russians.  You read that right!  Because of his request for a cease fire, the Bear lays down its arms and agrees to pull out of Georgia… well, sort of.

It was a bad crisis for the world. It required tough words but also a smart approach to call on the international community to step in. And I’m very, very happy that the Senator’s request for a ceasefire has been complied with by President Medvedev.

HT: Hot Air

No, it wasn’t President Bush, Secretary Rice, or even Senator John McCain.  It was the request put forth by the silvery tongued former Illinois State Senator.  I guess if he can navigate Chicago politics he can accomplish anything!

I don’t know whether to laugh or be very, very afraid at the naiveté of the Obama camp.

Originally posted at From Their Own Mouths

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