Some of you may have noticed the links and the widgets in the sidebar, but I thought I’d make it official that Caffeinated Communications Network has expanded, and we’ve also dropped a blog.  Caffeinated Clips has said adieu as it didn’t really scratch an itch and wasn’t providing any original content.  What I was doing there could I can do at any social networking site so it really wasn’t a good use of time either.

IowaGroundsFacebookI am excited about the new additions… first Iowa Grounds.

I wanted to launch this blog in order to drill down on Iowa politics at both the state and local level, something that it was getting harder to do at Caffeinated Thoughts with contributors and readers from all over the United States.

I hope to have some of Caffeinated Thoughts’ Iowan contributors right here when they do posts specific to state government, expand our contributor base, share press releases from our elected officials, and accept guest op/eds from different Iowans – both citizens and elected officials.

I hope you enjoy this new work.  Be sure to subscribe to the RSS feed, follow Iowa Grounds on Twitter, and like Iowa Grounds on Facebook.

The second new work, also focusing on state and local-level politics is Caffeinated Carolina.

CaffCarolinaFBThough I’m not from South Carolina, I deeply respect the state and its process in the presidential nomination process.  I wanted to launch this blog in order to drill down on South Carolina politics at both the state and local level, but do it by providing a voice for social conservative leaders in your state.  Something I’ve been told on several occasions has been missing in the South Carolina blogosphere.  I finally pulled the trigger after being asked to get a similar blog to Caffeinated Thoughts started there.

I am excited to have a great list of contributors lined up so far, Dr. Tony Beam, a local radio talk show host in Greensville, SC.  Dr. Oran Smith of the Palmetto Family Council has also said he would like to give a hand.  We will also have Pastor Quinn Hooks of Evergreen Baptist Church in Effingham, SC as a contributor.  As with Iowa Grounds I desire to share press releases from elected officials, and accept guest op/eds from different South Carolinians – both citizens and elected officials.  I will provide commentary from time to time, but when I do I will limit my input to issues related posts in which I have expertise.  Otherwise I’ll leave the commentary on South Carolina politics and elections to those who live in the Palmetto State.

I hope you enjoy this new work.  Be sure to subscribe to the RSS feed, follow us Caffeinated Carolina on Twitter, and like Caffeinated Carolina on Facebook.

One thing that will remain the same as Caffeinated Thoughts is that our contributors’ approach to providing commentary on Iowa and South Carolina politics is that it comes from a conservative Christian worldview.  I do want to expand the current base of contributors for both blogs.  If you are interested please send me an email at vanderhart(at)

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