Caffeinated Thought of the Day: The Secular Religion of Global Warming

Brian Myers: Michael Barone of The Washington Examiner once wrote this, “The secular religion of global warming has all the elements of a religious faith.”

Caffeinated Thought of the Day: Saving Us Into Submission

Brian Myers: What the Left wants to do in nearly every area of life requires control in order to achieve it. This is maddening for those who love freedom.

Caffeinated Thought of the Day: No Justice in Anarchy

Brian Myers: We seem to choose sides based on racial assumptions and make our demands for “justice.” We have to allow our justice system to work.

Caffeinated Thought of the Day: Rob Bell and Oprah

Brian Myers: Former megachurch pastor Rob Bell has a new gig with the Oprah Winfrey Channel, if you find it on TV it would be best to change the channel.

Caffeinated Thought of the Day: Creation Proclaims God’s Existence

Brian Myers: In fact, the reason the existence of God is proclaimed so loudly in nature is because it is God Himself who is speaking.

Caffeinated Thought of the Day: Islam and the West

Brian Myers: Islam has proved in Sweden and elsewhere that it can simply over-run Western culture if there is no vibrant Christianity to stop it.

Caffeinated Thought of the Day: The Starting Point of Knowledge

Brian Myers: Everything man thinks he knows, everything he thinks he has learned, will be skewed if the starting point for that knowledge is not God.

Caffeinated Thought of the Day: Christians Will Fail, Jesus Won’t

Brian Myers: The truth of Christianity is not obviated by the failure of Christians to think, speak, and act as they ought. Jesus Christ never fails.

Ben Carson Introduces Himself to Iowa Conservatives

Dr. Ben Carson, a presumptive 2016 Republican presidential candidate, gave an introductory speech at The FAMiLY Leader Celebrate the Family Fall fundraiser.

Caffeinated Thought of the Day: The Wrong Way to Fill a Spiritual Need

Brian Myers: People have an inherent and deep spiritual need that they frequently fill with something other than Jesus Christ which will always end badly.

The President’s Unilateral Action

Most of my liberal pals are positively giddy about President Obama’s announcement…

Islam, Statism, and the West

Writing in his blog, R.C. Sproul tells the story of a conversation…

Caffeinated Thought of the Day: Being Gay is Not a Gift of God

Brian Myers: A sin so clearly taught in Scripture as sin, as offensive to God, and so self-destructive to those participating in it, is now a gift from God?

Caffeinated Thought of the Day: Our Upside Down World

Brian Myers: With everything being turned upside down it’s at times like these it’s comforting to know that the Kingdom of God is not of this world.

Caffeinated Thought of the Day: An Inept Media

Brian Myers: The media has not changed in their inability to be unbiased and properly vet all candidates not just conservative ones they disagree with.

Ernst’s Victory Celebrated By A Pumped Up Crowd At GOP Rally

Through Joni Ernst’s victor in Iowa she delivered the U.S. Senate to the GOP in a race where earlier during the year Bruce Braley was expected to win.