James Madison on Government

When the Constitutional Convention met to craft a new government that would…

Unbelief vs. Faith

A.W. Tozer in his book, The Counselor: Straight Talk About the Holy…

Jim Caviezel on Abortion

Catholic Digest interviewed Jim Caviezel star of most recently The Stoning of…

Introducing the Caffeinated Thoughts Toolbar

Yes, I’m a geek.  I know.  But in my desire to better…

Stop the Abortion Mandate

Stop the Abortion Mandate is a coalition made up of 54 organizations…

Governor Culver Gets An Education

My Governor, Chet Culver, gets an education when he incorrectly stated how…

Tort Reform Needed to Reform Health Care

I’ve been saying this in comments and in conversation that the current…

Faux Unity Trumps Orthodoxy

This is an example of why different denominations begin, and they typically…

Obama: Health Care Critics Are Guilty of Sin

Today Yesterday President Obama had a conference call with leaders within the…

Jim Wallis, You Don’t Speak For Me

Jim Walls, CEO of Sojourners, and author of God’s Politics: Why the…

The Right Wing Fringe

Conservatives outnumber liberals in nearly every state according to a Gallup Poll…

National Review’s Circular Firing Squad

I realize that I’m a day late and a dollar short on…

College Conservatism Isn’t Dead

As evidenced by this 23-year-old University of Colorado student, Zach Lahn when…

White House Email Spam Explained

Sort of… on the White House blog Macon Philips wrote: It has…

A Thank You to Our Sponsors: New Reformation Press

We would like to thank New Reformation Press for being a sponsor…

Is the Public Option Retreat for Real?

The AP reported today that the White House appears ready to drop…