Sam Clovis: If You Like Your Health Plan, You Could Lose It!

(Sioux City, IA) ā€œOnce again, thanks to President Obama and Rep. Bruce…

Bruce Braley Broke His Promise on Obamacare

Congressman Bruce Braley (D-Iowa) like President Obama and many other Demcrats broke their promise that Americans can keep their insurance if they want to.

Obama Administration Knew Millions Would Lose Insurance

NBC News reports that the Obama Administration knew millions of Americans would lose their current insurance due to regulations in Obamacare.

Top Children’s Authors Urge Obama to Curb Standardized Testing

Over 120 childrenā€™s book authors and illustrators signed a letter calling on President Obama to curb policies that promote excessive standardized testing.

President Obama’s Remarks on Obamacare Rollout Underwhelms

President Barack Obama’s remarks will do precious little to ensure Americans that Obamacare will not be an abject failure based on the disastrous rollout.

GOP Shouldn’t Worry About Government Shutdown

GOP leaders shouldn’t worry about the political impact of the government shutdown, but instead be concerned what surrender would mean for our country.

Obamacare: Error 404

The Republican National Committee today released a video today highlighting the problems news organizations had trying to sign onto the Obamacare site.

Happy Obamacare Day: The Launch is a Disaster

Happy Obamacare Day! The long awaited kickoff for Obamacare has proven to be a disaster with glitches with the health care exchanges.

Let’s Stay Out of the Syrian Civil War

President Obama has asked Congress to authorize military action against the Assad regime in Syria. Congress needs to vote no.

Keystone Pipeline: A Laughing Matter to Bruce Braley?

President Barack Obama laughs off the jobs that would be created by the Keystone Pipeline project. Does Congressman Bruce Braley (D-IA) as well?

If President Obama Could Have Been Trayvon Martin

President Obama’s remarks on Trayvon Martin Friday were neither wise or fruitful in advancing a healthy discussion about the Zimmerman verdict.

Iowa Families Feel Price at the Pump

Hope for gas under $3.00/gallon is gone. Congressman Bruce Braley (D-IA) is silent as liberal war on American energy hurts middle class Iowans.

Bruce Braley, Barack Obama and the Radical War on Energy

Bruce Braley’s radical climate agenda is way out of touch with middle class Iowans and represents a war on coal, on the middle class and on jobs.

Bruce Braley is Responsible for Obama’s Radical Climate Change Agenda

Bruce Braley is responsible for the liberal policy agenda that will destroy jobs, raise energy costs, and hurt working families in states like Iowa.

Barack Obama is not the Problem

President Barack Obama and his administration is not this country’s biggest problem.…

Obama and Reagan: Dueling Brandenburg Gate Addresses

Instead of President Obama’s notion of “peace with justice” we’d be better served by following President Reagan’s policy of “peace through strength.”