How The GOP Moves On After Trump

Gustavsson: How should the GOP should move on if there is a link found between Trump and Russia?

Tomi Lahren and the Idiotic Arguments Associated

Kelvey Vander Hart: Tomi Lahren, those who support her, and those against are damaging their credibility and their case.

Towards Understanding the 21st Century Republican Spectrum

Graham: The traditional view of the political spectrum has led to poor analysis and poor decisions. It is crucial to understand how people think and vote.

An Open Letter to the Liberty Movement

Dear Liberty Movement, Regarding Joel Kurtinitis’Ā open letterĀ to social conservatives, it is only…

Uniting a Fractured Republican Party

There is an ongoing civil war within the Republican Party. How does one bring social conservatives, moderates, and libertarians together?

Politico Misreads Mike Huckabee Supporters in Iowa

We are all subject to making mistakes, as I am sure Mike…

U.S. Is Still More Conservative

This isnā€™t surprising to see with the public reaction to the stimulus…

To Be Old, Male, And Republican Is To Be Happy?

Here is a link to some recent research I found amusing if…