A Pastoral Response to Erick Ericksonā€™s ā€œConfessionā€

Rev. Bryan Peters appeals to Erick Erickson to reconsider the treacherous path which he has taken in advocating for a rape exception for abortion.

The White House Dumpster Fire

Shane Vander Hart: Watching the White House right now is like watching a dumpster fire. Itā€™s captivating, but it stinks & President Trump keeps fueling it.

Seccession Is Not The Answer

To heal a divided nation we need to practice civility, encourage federalism, and recognize that politics wonā€™t restore our culture, only the Gospel can.

McMullin and Erickson: Two Different Approaches for Trump-Skeptical Conservatives

Adam Graham: Evan McMullin may occasionally be too bold, but far too often, Trump-skeptical conservatives have been too passive.

Mitt Romney: Better than We Thoughtā€¦Less Than We Need

Adam Graham: Personal decency and character should define conservative candidates, but be coupled with the ability to offer bold, conservative leadership.

Could Donald Trump Be Blocked at Convention?

With the continued string of unforced errors from Donald Trump is it possible that delegates at the Republican National Convention will mutiny?

What Candidates Should Say If Supreme Court Approves Gay Marriage

Social conservative insiders were asked how GOP presidential candidates should react to the Supreme Courtā€™s anticipated ruling on gay marriage.

Frumā€™s Fantasy

David Frum wrote the most asinine piece in The Atlantic.  He asksā€¦

The FAMiLY LEADER Holds Its U.S. Senate Family Forum

The Family Leader held its U.S. Senate Family Forum last night atā€¦

The FAMiLY Leader to Host U.S. Senate Candidate Forum

(Urbandale, IA) The FAMiLY LEADER will host a U.S. Senate Candidate Forumā€¦

VEEPStakes: Condi Rice for VP?

Matt Drudge reported last night that Romney is narrowing his choices forā€¦

Is John Roberts an ā€œEvil Geniusā€? The Silver Lining of the Health Care Reform Ruling

Yes Iā€™m disappointed in the Supreme Courtā€™s ruling on the Patient Patientā€¦

Is Rick Perry Slighting Iowa? Rick Santorum is the First to ā€œWelcomeā€ Him to the Race

I was out in the hinterlands (aka Northern Minnesota) the last fewā€¦

Wise Turks, Foolish Christians, and Less-Than-Ideal Candidates

Steve Deace of WHO Radio wrote a blog post today that gotā€¦

A Retraction: Regarding Mike Huckabeeā€™s Decision on NY 23

Iā€™ve been hard on Mike Huckabee regarding his decision not to endorseā€¦

Further Reaction To Palinā€™s Resignation

Ok last post today, and probably this weekend about this bombshell news,ā€¦