Dr. Dean, Could You Answer Some Questions?

Former Vermont Governor Howard Dean has been going around championing the Obama…

Stop the Abortion Mandate

Stop the Abortion Mandate is a coalition made up of 54 organizations…

College Conservatism Isn’t Dead

As evidenced by this 23-year-old University of Colorado student, Zach Lahn when…

End-of-Life Provision Excluded

The Senate Finance Committee decided to exclude Section 1233 of HR 3200…

Spam From the White House

Major Garrett of Fox News and White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs…

Palin vs. Obama on “Death Panels”

On Friday, Governor Sarah Palin made a statement on regarding the health…

Iowa Angry Mob Diaries

Senator Tom Harkin (D-IA) at health care town hall in Des Moines…

Scary, Angry Mobs… Be AFRAID!!!!

Well we have Speaker Nancy Pelosi who thinks they are neo-Nazis.Ā  Senator…

Another “Generated” Rally in Green Bay

According to Robert Gibbs, these are just ā€œgenerated.ā€  The DNC says people…

Do Your Patriotic Duty, Report Health Care Dissenters!

The White House is interested in those who donā€™t agree with the…