Michele Bachmann to Announce 2012 Plans in Waterloo, IA

Congresswoman Michele Bachmann (R-MN) would not commit on a date for her…

Iowa Caucus Update: Bachmann Not Announcing Tomorrow, Palin Movie Premiere in Iowa in June

Well there were rumors flying around that Congresswoman Michele Bachmann was going…

Tim Pawlenty in Des Moines: “Someone Needs to Level With The American People” (Updated w/ Video)

Former Minnesota Governor Tim Pawlenty spoke to a crowd of approximately 175…

Herman Cain Is In Officially

He said back on April 16th in Des Moines he was close…

Iowa Governor Terry Branstad: The Iowa Caucus Race is Wide Open

Iowa Governor Terry Branstad in his press conference this morning responded to…

Newt Gingrich is In (This Time It’s For Real)

Newt Gingrich after an awkward quasi-kickoff in March where he announced he…

Jim DeMint and Steve King Team Up As 2012 Kingmakers

Senator Jim DeMint (R-SC) and Congressman Steve King (R-IA) have teamed up…

Dig Deeper With Presidential Candidates

I was in New Hampshire over the weekend for a couple of…

Newt Gingrich Appearance at Des Moines Basilica Canceled

Former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich was scheduled to do a…

Haley Barbour’s Not Running

Governor Haley Barbour (R-MS) announced this afternoon that he is not running…

Judge Roy Moore Meets With Iowa Social Conservative Leaders

Prospective presidential candidate, former Alabama Supreme Court Chief Justice Roy Moore, has…

Tim Pawlenty at Des Moines Tea Party Rally: “The Government is Too Damn Big”

Former Governor Tim Pawlenty (R-MN) spoke to a crowd of approximately 300 …

Mitt Romney Is In

No big surprise that former Governor Mitt Romney (R-MA) has announced forming…

Michele Bachmann in Iowa: “We Will Never Win If We Do Not Fight.”

Congresswoman Michele Bachman (R-MN) was the third prospective 2012 presidential candidate to…

Donald Trump: Democrat Sugar Daddy

Yesterday I highlighted what we know of Donald Trump on the issues…

Donald Trump Heads to Iowa

The Republican Party of Iowa announced today that Donald Trump will headline…