Marriage Debate Resumed in Iowa House

Iowa House Republicans introduced two bills addressing the 2009 Iowa Supreme Court decision that ruled Iowaā€™s Defense of Marriage Act unconstitutional.

The Iowa Democratic Party is the Gay Marriage Party

Republican Party of Iowa Chair A.J. Spiker was simply stating facts when he said that the Iowa Democratic Party is the gay marriage party during Iowa Press.

The FAMiLY LEADER Hosts Marriage Rally at the Iowa State Capitol

Pleasant Hill, IOWA. ā€“ The FAMiLY LEADER, along with co-sponsors andā€¦

The Hubris of The Des Moines Register: Iowa House Republicans Should Bow to Mike Gronstal

The editorial in Saturdayā€™s Des Moines Register, ā€œPolitics over problem-solvingā€ demonstrates aā€¦

Cary Gordon, Keith Ratliff, & Judge Roy Moore Rally Hundreds at Iowa Marriage Amendment Rally

The FAMiLY Leader via LUV (Let Us Vote) Iowa rallied around 500ā€¦

Tom Hancock and Jack Kibbe Sacrifice Support of Iowa Marriage Amendment at the Altar of Mike Gronstal

Jennifer Jacobs of The Des Moines Register wrote yesterday about the statusā€¦

Iowa Federation of Labor President Ken Sagerā€™s Lack of Civility Speaking Out Against HJR 6

The  Iowa Federation of Laborā€™s President, Ken Sager, spoke against HJR 6ā€¦

Iowa Marriage Amendment Passes Iowa House 62-37

The Iowa House passes HJR 6 by a vote of 62-37, thisā€¦

What is a Right and Where Do They Come From?

Iā€™m listening to the public forum taking place in the Iowa Houseā€¦

Action Alert: Critical Vote on Marriage Tomorrow in the Iowa Senate

By Danny Carroll Newly elected State Senator Kent Sorenson will mount aā€¦

Who Is Against The Iowa Marriage Amendmentā€“HJR 6?

I was curious about what lobbyists were registered against HJR 6, theā€¦

Iowa Marriage Amendment Resolution Passes Out of Iowa House Judiciary Committee

I didnā€™t want to overlook important news yesterday.  In case you didnā€™tā€¦

2012 Primary Targets: The Only Four Iowa GOP House Members Who Didnā€™t Cosponsor Marriage Amendment

House Joint Resolution 6 was introduced yesterday in the House by Stateā€¦

Kraig Paulsen: The First Week

By Iowa House Speaker Kraig Paulsen The 84th General Assembly got underwayā€¦

An Open Letter to Iowa Senate Majority Leader Mike Gronstal

By Dale Mastarone Senator Gronstal, I watched and listened to you inā€¦

Iowa Republican Primary Further Down the Ballot

Oh yes, there were other races yesterday beyond the Gubernatorial race andā€¦