Branstad Baggage: Lt. Governor Joy Corning

Yeah, this can’t be good for the Branstad campaign.  Former Lt. Governor…

Rod Roberts Interview Part III: Social Concerns

Recently I had the opportunity to talk at length with Representative Rod…

Vander Plaats: Three Ways the Iowa Supreme Court Overreached

In the upcoming November issue of Focus on the Family’s Citizen Magazine,…

Iowa, the Las Vegas of Gay Marriage

This was one of the concerns about the Iowa Supreme Court back…

Iowa Supreme Court Chief Justice’s Home Locale for Underage Drinking

Seven kids get busted for underage drinking at Iowa Supreme Court Chief…

Iowa Marriage Amendment Rally and House (In)Action

Yesterday I attended a rally at the Iowa Statehouse (it made the…

Iowa Same-Sex Marriage Decision Update

Just to give you an update on what’s been going on with…

Consequences of Iowa’s Same-Sex Marriage Ruling

Today’s Iowa Supreme Court Decision to strike down Iowa’s Defense of Marriage…

Huckabee: Sad Day For Iowa and Country

Former Arkansas Governor and Presidential Candidate Mike Huckabee sent an email to…

Iowa Is Third State to Allow Gay “Marriage”

Scroll down for updates. From the Des Moines Register: The Iowa Supreme…

Iowa Supreme Court To Issue Decision on Same Sex Marriage Tomorrow

From Jason Hancock at the Iowa Independent: The legal challenge to Iowa’s…