Can Black People Read Your Hearts?

Adam Graham: How are Blacks to judge the hearts of Mr. Schlapp and Mr. Walters, based on their statements? The statements show a total lack of concern for Black Americans. Why would Blacks want to be a part of a movement or a party that panders to racists and excuses it by pointing fingers at Blacks?

Text of the GOP Proposed 2012 Pro-life Platform Released

The platform was approved by the platform committee to advance to theā€¦

Gentry Collins Gives RNC Plenty of Reasons to Not Elect Michael Steele for Another Term

I hope my National Committeeman and Committeewoman Steve Scheffler and Kim Lehmanā€¦

My Second Call for Michael Steele to Resign

Iā€™ve already said it once back in March.  Iā€™ll say it again. ā€¦

Time for Steele To Go

Daily Caller broke the story on the RNC expenses under Chairman Michaelā€¦

RNC Conservativesā€™ 10 Key Public Policy Positions

This is slightly older news, but there is a group of conservativesā€¦

ABC Blocking Opposition Ads During White House Programming

So how is their ā€œPrescription for Americaā€ program originating from the Whiteā€¦

Palinā€™s After the Right to Life Speech Speech

After giving the keynote address at the Vanderburgh County Right to Lifeā€¦

Not Above Palinā€™s Pay Grade to Speak on Life

Alaska Governor Sarah Palin spoke at the Vanderburgh County Right to Lifeā€¦

Steeleā€™s Foot In Mouth Disease (4th Update: This story is boring for independents)

He wasnā€™t my first pick, but I thought that his election wasā€¦

Rush vs. Steele

I need to rant a little over the whole Rush Limbaugh ā€“ā€¦

Michael Steele is the new RNC Chair

Former Maryland Lt. Governor Michael Steele and Chair of GoPAC was electedā€¦

RNC Chair Race Update ā€“ (Update: Congratulations Michael Steele)

The Nashville Post is reporting that Chip Saltsman has withdrawn from theā€¦

RNC Chairman Debate

Turned to C-SPAN while eating lunch to watch the RNC Chairman debate. ā€¦

Saltsman for RNC Chairman

Some of you when you read the title your eyes will glossā€¦