World Trade Center Mosque Approved This morning the final hurdle (well it least with the go ahead… Shane Vander HartAugust 3, 20102 minute read
Pawlenty in NE Iowa, 2012 Race Speculation If Minnesota Governor Tim Pawlenty isn’t running for President in 2012 then… Shane Vander HartAugust 2, 20103 minute read
Newt Gingrich: Iowa Judge Retention Vote – “No Better Place To Send a Clarion Call” After the Iowa Supreme Court’s ruling last year declaring Iowa’s Defense of… Shane Vander HartJuly 13, 20102 minute read
Romney, Palin, Huckabee, and Gingrich Endorsements May Redound Unexpectedly An endorsement resembles a recommendation: This guy is a lot like me.… David ShedlockJuly 4, 20103 minute read
The Unhelpful Iowa Poll of GOP 2012 Presidential Prospects Just released today is The Des Moines Register’s poll of people’s opinion… Shane Vander HartJune 11, 20103 minute read
Bumped: NY 23 Update – Scozzafava Quits and Now Supports the Democrat Bumped up & Updated Below 10/31/09 No longer just fading… she’s done. … Shane Vander HartNovember 1, 20093 minute read
NY 23 Race: Hoffman Surge, Scozzafava Fades (2nd Update: Pataki Endorses) I haven’t forgotten about the NY 23 Congressional Race. If you didn’t… Shane Vander HartOctober 29, 20092 minute read
NY 23 Endorsements… Palin Showing Leadership, Others Not So Much (2nd Update) We have a clash of ideas within the Republican Party, and it… Shane Vander HartOctober 23, 20094 minute read
Palin Endorses Doug Hoffman in NY 23 Jim Geraghty broke this while it was yet a rumor, but now… Shane Vander HartOctober 22, 20092 minute read
The Scozzafava Pile-On It would seem that Newt Gingrich’s, the Republican National Committee’s, and the… Shane Vander HartOctober 22, 20092 minute read
Newt, RNC What Are You Thinking? Newt Gingrich has endorsed New York Assemblywoman Dede Scozzafava, the Republican running… Shane Vander HartOctober 17, 20093 minute read
Just Being a Private Citizen One of my senators, Senator Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa), was quoted in a… Shane Vander HartJuly 7, 20092 minute read
NRSC/NRCC Fundraising Debacle Alaska Governor Sarah Palin was invited to speak at the National Republican… Shane Vander HartApril 2, 20092 minute read
Reynolds, Palin and Gingrich Share Hopes for the Obama Presidency The Wall Street Journal shared different national figures’ hopes for the Obama… Shane Vander HartJanuary 22, 20093 minute read
Gingrich Silences MSNBC Reporter I’m normally don’t put up this many videos or even do this… Shane Vander HartSeptember 4, 20081 minute read