Former U.S. Senator Bob Smith coming back to challenge Shaheen in New Hampshire

Bob Smith represented New Hampshire in Washington for eighteen years, winning threeā€¦

CRPD Treaty Fails Ratification Vote

The U.S. Senate failed to ratify the CRPD Treaty on a 61 to 38 vote. Eight Republicans voted in favor as did all Democratic Senators.

Donā€™t Ask, Donā€™t Tell Repealed: Letā€™s Just Throw Out All of the Standards

The branches of the United States military will soon have to enlistā€¦

The Dueling Definitions of ā€œLimited Governmentā€ (Part I)

By Rev. Cary K. Gordon The American Constitution and Bill of Rightsā€¦

*Shocker of the Week* Senate Confirms Elena Kagan

Elena Kaganā€™s nomination to the Supreme Court was confirmed by the Senateā€¦

Sarah Palin: Fuel America with Terrorist-Tarred Oil Instead of Drilling Our Own, Baby?

By Sarah Palin Am I the only one who wonders what couldā€¦

Many Happy Returns!

I hate watching returns. My stomach does flips and churns with everyā€¦

Scott Brown, the 41st Vote

You may not be aware, but there is a crucial election thatā€¦