God has blessed David and his wife Judy with 5 boys, and 19 wonderful grandchildren. His book entitled "With Christ in the Voting Booth: Casting Down Imaginations" Before Casting Your Vote", was published by Calvary Press/
His wife also ows a business selling antique and collectible postcards on eBay since 1999. David was an activist with Operation Rescue in the early 1990s. He is a member of Trinity Presbyterian Reformed Church in Johnston, Iowa.
David suffered a stroke in 2012, but has begun to recover after almost four years of complications. To God be the Glory, I believe he is continuing a work in me, that he began when I was a child (Philippians 1:6)
Romneycare Will Be Worse Than Obamacare
A Vote for Romney IS a vote for Obama – only, we will likely get at least 8 more years of socialism, instead of four.