Thoughts on Obama’s Address (Updated AP Takes a Swing)

Finally watched President Obama’s first address to a joint session of Congress. …

President Obama’s Address to Congress (Updated)

I won’t be able to watch live tonight.  I had hoped to…

Jindal Explains Fiscal Responsibility

At the National Governor’s Association the economy and Porkulus has been at…

Media Malpractice (Updated)

Updates below: John Ziegler’s documentary, Media Malpractice: How Obama Got Elected and…

Palin on Porkulus and the Fairness Doctrine

Greta Van Susteren was up in Alaska for the Iron Dog race…

Broken Promises

And it’s just been a month with the new President and Congress. …

Doing Nothing Would Be Less Harmful Than Porkulus

According to the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office, the Washington Times reports. President…

Hey We’re Not All Keynesians?

On January 9,2009 then President-Elect Obama said, “There is no disagreement that…

John Piper – Be Courageous Mr. President

This is what the prophetic voice of the Church needs to look…

What is the Proper Role of Science?

Of numerous things that President Obama said in his inaugural address his…

Presidential Humor

Well, not our current president, but President George H.W. Bush and President…

El Rushbo Hits Obama Back

After the swipe that President Obama took at Rush Limbaugh on Thursday,…

The Bane of Bipartisanship

Is Rush Limbaugh evidently, at least according to President Obama. From the…

Life… Imagine the Potential

This is a great pro-life video put together by HT: E.M.…

Say No to Taxpayer-Funded Abortions (2nd Update)

Well, we knew it was coming, and now it is official.  President…

Text of Inaugural Invocation and Benediction

First the Invocation given by Pastor Rick Warren of Saddleback Church: Let…