Mitt Romney at CPAC: No Mention of RomneyCare?

Since Former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney was introduced by his wife Ann…

When Will The GOP Candidates Announce for 2012?

I am not a prophet nor do I play one on television.…

Michele Bachmann for President? Who Will Be in the 2012 GOP Field?

ABC News says that perhaps those talking about the  2012 speculation surrounding…

Ron Paul’s Flip Flop No Surprise on Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell; Who is Next?

Where were all the presidential candidates* as the vote to repeal Don’t…

Who Do Those Pollsters Think They Are Fooling?

A recent Clarus poll was apparently designed to promote the candidacies of…

My Top Ten Predictions for 2011

The obligatory 2011 predictions post. Jonathan Martin of POLITICO will actually cite…

MSNBC Plugs Mike Huckabee for 2012 GOP Nomination

Apparently at least a couple people on MSNBC like Mike Huckabee. Of…

Mike Huckabee: Money Not Determining Factor for 2012 Presidential Hopeful (Corrected)

Below is a summary of former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabeeā€™s 15-minute interview…

Nope, We Can’t All Agree: Bring on the Debates, Yesterday.

Shane wrote “I thinkĀ  we can all agreeĀ that the 2008 presidential campaign…

Elephants Return to Iowa

Do you see a tiny dust cloud in the distance or hear…

Sarah Palin’s Endorsements With An Eye to the 2012 Iowa Caucus

Sarah Palinā€™s political action committee, SarahPAC, just released a video highlighting different…

The Definition of Marriage: Who Should Decide?

Who ought to decide whether two men or two women can marry…

Governor Mike Huckabee Touches the New Third Rail of Politics: Insurance Coverage Mandates

If there is one axiom conservatives and liberals can agree on, it…

Value Voters Summit Straw Poll: Mike Pence Tops Mike Huckabee

I donā€™t really put any stock in straw polls like the one…

Huckabee Backed Winner in Georgia: What’s The Big Deal?

The headline could have read “Deal, Huckabee and Gingrich beat Handel, Palin,…

Money Can’t Buy Happiness or Elections: Ask Perot, Forbes, Kerry and Romney

With all the recentĀ hoopla about McCain-Feingold campaign financing and the US Supreme…