Optimism for Iowa’s Future

By State Senator Paul McKinley – Iowa Senate Republican Leader Things are…

Iowa’s Political Landscape and Education

Iowa’s political landscape after Tuesday has shifted.  In Governor Chet Culver’s loss…

Sarah Palin’s Endorsements With An Eye to the 2012 Iowa Caucus

Sarah Palin’s political action committee, SarahPAC, just released a video highlighting different…

Branstad announces key transition team and administration appointments

(URBANDALE) – Today, Iowa Governor-elect Terry Branstad made the following appointments to…

Branstad and Schultz Defeat Incumbents in Iowa’s Governor and Secretary of State Races

One of the major wins of the evening was former Governor Terry…

Video: Iowa Governor-Elect Terry Branstad’s Victory Speech

Iowa Governor-Elect Terry Branstad gave his victory speech at Hy-Vee Conference Center…

In Iowa: How I’m Voting on Federal, State and County Races, Judicial Retention, Constitutional Convention and Legacy Fund

I thought I’d share how I’m voting on my ballot today… if…

Tuesday Is Going To Be Rough for Iowa Democrats

Before I say anything else about The Des Moines Register’s Iowa Poll…

Chet Culver vs. Main Street: Why is he against property tax relief for Iowa’s job creators?

(URBANDALE) – Gov. Culver today embarked on his “Wall Street vs. Main…

Senator Kim Reynolds Holds Town Hall Meeting In Spencer

State Senator and Republican Lt. Governor nominee Kim Reynolds held a Clay…

Terry Branstad Stumps For Dave Funk in Polk County Supervisor Race Against Tom Hockensmith

Dave Funk is running for Polk County Supervisor in District 3 against…

Where Are the Jobs from I-JOBS?

Last week Iowa Governor Chet Culver released a report on the status…

Abridged Transcript: Iowa Governor Culver and Former Governor Branstad Debate

(In case you missed it and don’t have time to read the…

“Stay The Course” In Davenport, Culver touts I-Jobs Project that Puts Scott County $94 Million in Debt

(URBANDALE) – Today, Gov. Culver is scheduled to be in Davenport to…

Let’s Work: Branstad Advances Policy to Promote the Iowa Entrepreneur

Branstad puts forward three-pronged approach to assist educational and start-up efforts. (ANKENY)…

Governor Chris Christie Says It Like It Is In Iowa Last Night

I had the pleasure of attending Governor Terry Branstad’s fundraiser at the Hy-Vee…