To top off the worst week ACORN has ever had… enter the San Diego office video sting.  Amazing.  Not only is the guy in the San Diego office ok with child prostitution, but going to help James O’Keefe and Hannah Giles, posing as a pimp and prostitute, get 12 underage girls across the border.  Fox News reports:

On the same day that the anti-poverty group ACORN announced the launch of an "internal review" after four undercover videos exposed its workers offering advice on how to skirt federal laws, a fifth video surfaced that purports to show a worker offering to help bring underage girls into the U.S. for the purposes of prostitution.

The latest video was filmed in San Diego by conservative activist James O’Keefe, 25, and partner Hannah Giles, 20, who posed as a pimp and prostitute as they did in their previous undercover stings.

In the latest video, O’Keefe asked the man if Tijuana is the best place to bring the girls to cross over into the U.S.

The man replied "yes," because he has a lot of contacts there who can assist in bringing them across the border.

In another part of the video, the man asked O’Keefe how much he charges for Giles’ services.

"Are you a potential client?" O’Keefe asked.

"No, no. I want to know," the man said. "How…what is it?"

This organization that President Obama once worked for, who has been involved in voter registration fraud, who has received millions of dollars in taxpayer money now has five offices complicit in bank fraud, tax evasion, aiding in the establishment of a child brothel, not reporting child prostitution, overlooking potential child abuse, and now aiding in human trafficking.  Not to mention a guy who seems more than willing to solicit prostitutes, but that’s minor compared to everything else.

Contact President Obama to encourage him to personally denounce ACORN, cut off any taxpayer money, and encourage his Attorney General to begin an investigation.  There has to be more there.  Also encourage your Representative to vote to defund them as well.

James O’Keefe has been quoting Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals..

Alinsky Rule #8: “Keep the pressure on…  with different tactics and actions, and utilize all events of the period for your purpose.”

Keep it up!  I’ll add the video when it is posted.

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