What Cecile Richards of Planned Parenthood Really Believes

Planned Parenthood’s president Cecile Richards made a couple of remarkable comments in…

Slow News Week A Boon For Captain Obvious

The news has been relatively slow for the Des Moines Register over…

Webcam Abortion Ban Advances in Iowa House

(Des Moines, IA) The webcam abortion ban bill, HF 2073, introduced by…

Planned Parenthood Cell Phone App to 12-Year-Olds: “Having Sex Feels Good”

WARNING: Some may find the  content of this article very graphic and…

New Report Shows Planned Parenthood’s Abortion Bias

Washington, DC – Today Planned Parenthood Federation of America (PPFA) released its…

Planned Parenthood to Close Four Clinics in Iowa

Planned Parenthood of the Heartland will close clinics in Ankeny, Ft. Dodge, Mt. Pleasant, and Washington in the next month.

Is Planned Parenthood Hiding Webcam Abortion Complications?

The Des Moines Register alleged for months that 3,000 women underwent Planned…

Webcam Abortions in Iowa: Will They Stay or Will They Go?

A judge will decide on a motion for stay pending judicial review on the recent decision by the Iowa Board of Medicine to end dangerous webcam abortions.

All in the Family: The Des Moines Register’s History with Planned Parenthood

Why is the Des Moines Register so biased in favor of Planned Parenthood—even at the cost of their journalistic integrity?

Girls Gone Bad: The Girl Scouts Link to Planned Parenthood

A soccer mom in St. Louis, MO has found the proof of a link between the Girl Scouts of America and Planned Parenthood in GSA’s involvement with WAGGGS.

40 Days for Life Mid-Point Rallies to Be Held in Iowa

There are two rallies happening in Iowa this week to mark the mid-point of the 40 Days for Life fall campaign to end abortion.

Iowans Join 40 Day Campaign to End Abortion

Iowan pro-life activists join the 40 Days of Life campaign to end abortion that includes prayer, fasting and peaceful vigils outside abortion clinics.

Who is Buying Your Daughter Plan B?

Almost anyone can get Plan B to your daughter (including herself), and groups like Planned Parenthood are not being forthright about the side effects.

Planned Parenthood Sets Up Shop in Young Women’s Resource Center

Planned Parenthood of the Heartland sets up a new clinic at the Young Women’s Resource Center in downtown Des Moines who serves girls as young as 10.

Iowa City Planned Parenthood and Late-Term Abortions

Iowa City Planned Parenthood aborts more later-term babies than other Planned Parenthood clincis in Iowa and Midwest